You Might Be a Farm & Ranch Couple If…

You Might Be a Farm & Ranch Couple If…

12. She rolls her eyes when he excitedly shows her another new ball cap with the logo of a farm, co-op, farm equipment brand, or breed association.

11. You both know that all plans including family gatherings, cookouts, festivals and birthday parties depend on the weather.

My farmer and I grew up showing cattle together. This is us during a very rainy outdoor show in the 1990s before we were a couple. Note the obsession with farm logo ball caps was already strong.

10. “I’ll buy you lunch” means some type of task involving mud or manure, probably both. You’re also going to the feed store, the parts store or the vet office. There will, eventually, be lunch. Also known as, “Ride to Town with me.”

9. He knows when she goes to the Livestock Market alone she will come home with a baby calf, goat, lamb, rabbit or some other form of small animal. Probably hauled in the back of her SUV.

8. When he says, “Honey, come check fence/cattle with me,” that’s really code for, “Honey, come open gates for me.”

7. Your gifts to each other tend to be tools of the trade: mud boots, coveralls, equipment, parts, animals. You’re happy because those are the best gifts.

6. Your romantic vacations are usually livestock shows, farm shows, machinery shows, horse shows or cattleman conventions.

Family vacay 2019: AJSA National Classic

5. You planned your wedding, vacation, engagement party, or some other significant event – possibly the birth of your children – around haymaking, planting, harvest, cattle working, etc.

4. While she was in labor, giving birth to his human child, he made some comment about calving, foaling, lambing or farrowing. Such as asking the doctor, “You want me to go get the chains?”

3. Many date nights have consisted of hauling cattle, nursing fresh-born livestock or a job involving riding together in the tractor.

Hauling hay in together. Those tractor dates do have some pretty fantastic views.

2. She doesn’t fall for his myth of, “It will only take five minutes.” She knows this task will be at least an hour, probably more.

1. People might question your love for each other if they heard your colorful exchanges while working cattle or fixing busted equipment. People might…but you never do.

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